Friday 20 January 2012


We've just arrived from Miami by way of Dallas ... where I resisted the temptation too lash out $60 on a Dallas Cowboys T-Shirt (even though it said "Cowboys Are My Weakness). And now we are waiting at the baggage carousel at Salt Lake City Airport when we have our first Celeb Sighting.  'OMG'  screams Kareem, 'look over there, its Tobey Maquire!'  'Where?'  'Over there?' 'Where's there exactly?' I add looking around frantically. 'He's the man in the green plaid jacket'   'Nah. that's nothing like Tobey'  'Goddamit of course it's him!'   'Well go over and tell him how much we liked him in 'Superman'.  'Was he in that?'  'Duh!  He WAS Superman'  'Then  that's not Tobey Maguire at all?'  'Then who is he then?'  Oh it's  Elijah Woods who we loved in  'The Lord of the Rings'.  (We did?  That's news to me). Kareem is confused at the best of times and obviously can't distinguish one pint-sized leading man from another.  Elijah looks nothing like our Tobey ...check these pics out and see for your self.

Elijah flashing by...
Anyway a Celeb is a Celeb so I shouted out his name and rushed over to kiss him and for some totally unknown reason he dashed straight past me in a great hurry.  Strange eh?

There's another sighting of sorts soon afterwards as a Cab Driver comes over to where we are all milling around waiting for our rides to Park City and he shouts at 'I'm looking for Amanda Knox!'   And so were the entire Italian Police Force at one time.  Can it really be the same one here perhaps to get a movie deal on how she got away with murder?  Just to be sure we decide to hide all the sharp knives when we get to the Condo later.

There are two groups of visitors in snowy Park City, Utah. Firstly the intrepid skiers, and you can usually spot them by their loud clothes (maybe it's something to do with being seen on the slopes).  Then there are the Sundancers who have ditched all pretense at sartorial elegance so they can just keep warm. The movie crowd are just loud!   They use cellphones like megaphones so that every one can know how very important they think they are.  And so just as the baggage finally appears one particular gentleman (and I use the term loosely) is screaming at some poor sap at the other end of his phone ' You're not even a Name!  You should just be grateful to be here!'

I know what he means.  I'm no name, and I count my stars that I am here.

Tomorrow we start 'work' : a mere 5 movies to see and so we'll be there on line at 8.30 am sharp clutching the first Starbucks on the day. ......... watch this space to find out what I see.

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